• Films

Belly Button Bus streaming HD
 3.8 stars
Runtime:0 min
Release add: 1995-12-02

Hyeok-Ju, who is interested in copying adults more than in studying, are meant to marry to Bo-Mi since he was a little boy. Then one day they came to get married due to Bo-Mi's family situation though they are just second grader of high school. On their honeymoon trip with tent, however, they experience serious trouble from the first day. With Bo-Mi's solid threaten that she will make love to him after they pass the entrance exam, they start awkward married life.... While he copies of grown-ups about sex and love with his friends, Hyeok-Jun tries to change Bo-Mi's mind but only in vain. While they encourage each other to pass college tests, the little couple gradually open their eyes of true love. At last they encounter the long-waited bridal night in Vietnam with notice of pass............

Credit: Wikipedia (fair use)

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