• Films

My Friend & His Wife streaming HD
 3.8 stars
Runtime:110 min
Release add: 2008-11-27

Two young men, Ye-joon and Jae-moon, have been close friends since doing military service together. Ye-joon has lately worked his way up to becoming a successful financier, while the unambitious Jae-moon has opted for a much less conspicuous route. He now works as a cook and is enjoying family life with his wife Ji-sook and their new-born son. Ji-sook tolerates her husband’s attachment to his friend, but everything changes after the tragic death of the child, caused by Ye-joon. Ji-sook was in Paris when the tragedy occurred and isn’t aware of the circumstances; she even starts an affair with Ye-joon when her husband is imprisoned after taking the blame for his son’s death. Relationships which were originally crystal-clear begin to grow distinctly cloudy.

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# My Friend & His Wife , # Regarder My Friend & His Wife en streaming , # film streaming vf , # Jang Hyun-sung , # Hong So-hee , # Park Hee-soon , # Cho Seong-ha ,
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